What Happens When You Have Too Much Plaque and Tartar Buildup?

It becomes hard to stay focused at the end of the night, sticking to a good routine. The day’s events have tired you out. Your mind is exhausted, and the body isn’t too far behind. The bed is simply tempting. If you skip a certain task, though, there are consequences. Teeth, for instance, should be brushed regularly. If that doesn’t happen, food residue sticks to the teeth, and plaque develops. The teeth can feel gritty and become more discolored as it hardens and turns to tartar. When this occurs, a dentist can take action to remove the buildup. Here are four things to understand about this condition.

It Can Be Scraped Off

A dental hygenist cleans the teeth during your appointment. Using a mirror, this person assesses the mouth, spotting any areas of concern. At this point, a plan is put into place to scrape the teeth free of tartar.

Using scaling tools and an electric dental handpiece, the specialist works to remove the tartar sticking to the enamel. Depending on the amount, this process could take time and may feel a bit painful. The key here is to eliminate the roughness on the teeth. 

It Can Lead to Medical Conditions

If left untreated, the plaque and tartar permit bacterial growth, which is problematic for several reasons. The gums may become inflamed and bleed, losing the ability to adhere to the teeth. Over time, gum disease sets in, and bone loss may occur.

The dentist, at this point, may try a deep cleaning. If it’s too far gone, a periodontist may examine the case to see if additional treatments are required.

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At-Home Care Could Be Needed

With the mouth free of buildup, the dentist is likely to prescribe an at-home regimen to prevent future trouble. Above all, brush and floss at least twice a day, especially after major meals. Keep in mind that all food breaks down. It doesn’t matter what is consumed. Focus on washing those pearly whites clean. 

In addition to that, the dentist may prescribe prescription mouthwash or toothpaste to minimize flare-ups. Dry mouth medicines may encourage saliva production, easing the complications. Sealants and fluoride treatments are also other options.

It’s fairly common for someone to have plaque and tartar. Long-term growth is problematic and makes the mouth free gritty. To obtain a healthy smile, work with the dental office to clear off the growth and begin an appropriate dental cleaning routine.