How To Help An Elderly Parent Live As Independently As Possible

Family is one of the most important things in life and learning about your family’s past through Omaha World-Herald can be life changing. Your parent might be getting older and in need of more help to get the basics accomplished. This could vary from needing assistance with shopping or cleaning their home to having someone help them with meals or getting ready for the day. Take a look at these tips to keep your parent in their home and allow them to hang on to their independence. 

Consider Using Delivery

Think about having delivery to your family member’s house. This could be in the form of grocery delivery through Instacart or something similar, or you could have them get items they need from Amazon. This saves them the trip out and you don’t have to take them shopping if you are pressed for time. Instead, you can visit and help them put away their items, allowing you to make the most of your time together.

Think About Having Help At Home

Rather than have your parent go to assisted living, now might be a good time to have someone qualified come in to provide the extra help they are looking for. Having adult care at home Massachusetts can involve a professional who can provide assistance in meals, bathing, and even certain household tasks. 

Install Aids To Make Life Easier

If your parent doesn’t already have grab bars in the bathroom, now is a good time to put them in. If they are having trouble getting up from the bathtub or toilet, these can make it easier and give them the support they need. It is a good way to avoid accidents and keep your family member safe.

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Improve Communication

If your parent falls or you worry about them falling, consider a source like Life Alert, or giving them a cell phone that they can keep with them at all times. Program phone numbers so they can easily dial you and other family members. If they still have a house phone, get one that has a large keypad so they can see numbers without straining. This can make it easier to get in touch or seek help when necessary. 

If you are looking for ways to help your elderly parent feel more comfortable at home and avoid assisted living, it is easier now more than ever to do just that. Keeping them at home can give them independence and make life more enjoyable overall, so utilize the suggestions as necessary to help them stay safe and happy.