How CoolSculpting Can Help You Achieve Your Ideal Body Shape

Many struggle with stubborn fat that won’t go away no matter how much they exercise. Coolsculpting can help you achieve your ideal body shape by permanently removing unwanted fat cells.

A noninvasive treatment, Coolsculpting uses a specialized applicator to “suck in” your problem areas and break down fat tissue using cooling energy. The dead cells will naturally leave your body over three months, giving you a more sculpted physique.

How It Works

Coolsculpting Virginia Beach is an FDA-cleared fat reduction procedure that permanently destroys unwanted fat cells. It’s an ideal body contouring treatment for people with stubborn pockets of fat that won’t respond to diet and exercise.

During a session, a hand-held applicator is moved over the targeted area while applying suction and controlled cooling. The cooled fat cells crystallize and die, naturally processed and eliminated by the lymphatic system. The resulting slimmer body contour is long-lasting, provided you continue to follow a healthy lifestyle.

Popular body areas that benefit from a Coolsculpting treatment include the inner and outer thighs and the love handles. Patients with excess fat on their upper arms often choose to have one or two treatments, while those with a double chin can visibly tone and slim the area with just one to two sessions. Coolsculpting can also be used to reduce the appearance of a fuller neck. This can help define the jawline, a common cosmetic concern among men and women.

Getting Started

If you’re at your ideal weight and exercise regularly but are still struggling to get rid of stubborn pockets of fat that won’t go away, Coolsculpting can help you sculpt a more contoured body. It’s a safe, noninvasive procedure that permanently destroys stubborn fatty cells and reshapes the skin in problem areas like the belly, thighs and love handles.

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Coolsculpting uses a specialized applicator that sucks the tissue into the device and delivers an appropriate cooling temperature to encourage the fatty cells to die in the subcutaneous layer without damaging other tissues. The body naturally eliminates the dead cells over time.

While some patients experience redness or bruising in the treated area, these side effects are minor and short-lived. After several treatments, your body will eliminate dead fat cells and reshape the affected areas. You’ll see a slimmer and more contoured figure in just three months. You must maintain a consistent diet and exercise plan to keep your new physique looking its best.


Coolsculpting is FDA-approved to break down fat cells in the treated area permanently. The sculpting results are visible after a few weeks and continue to improve over the following months.

Some people may require treatments to achieve their desired body shape. A licensed esthetician can help you decide how many treatment sessions suit your goals.

A popular treatment target is the abdomen. One or two Coolsculpting treatments can significantly reduce the appearance of belly fat and help you fit into smaller pants. Another common area for contouring is the love handles, which are often a source of discomfort for women.

The best candidates have distinct areas of fat that need to be covered by a lot of muscle or skin. It would help if you also had good skin elasticity so it could bounce back after the fat cells die. You must also be healthy, as excess weight can trigger paradoxical adipose hyperplasia (PAH), an adverse reaction to the treatment.

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Coolsculpting is a great option to tone up stubborn areas of the body for those who can’t lose weight through diet and exercise. By reducing resistant fatty cells, Coolsculpting can help you achieve your ideal body shape and boost your confidence.

After a treatment session, the lymphatic system eliminates the fat cells from the body. Once the fat cells are gone, they’re gone for good. The results from Coolsculpting are long-lasting and can be maintained by continuing to eat healthy and exercising regularly.

However, it is important to remember that Coolsculpting doesn’t address excess skin that may develop after pregnancy or significant weight loss. Therefore, a body contouring procedure like liposuction may be necessary for those who want to reduce excess skin in addition to the Coolsculpting process. This is particularly important in the stomach area, where Coolsculpting may not be effective due to visceral fat.