Signs That You Need Oil Tank Removal

A leaky, damaged, or faulty oil tank in your home can be a significant pain. The inconvenience is compounded when the cost of replacing the tank is too high. Luckily, there are a few signs that it is time to get an oil tank replacement.

It’s cost-prohibitive

Whether you are buying or selling a house, you may have to get the oil tank removal Westchester County NY. This can be expensive, and underground storage tanks (USTs) can reduce the value of a property. USTs can also be harmful to the soil and water supplies. Some of the costs involved include excavation, soil remediation, and testing. Some companies will also add on demolition costs. The cost of removing a tank can vary depending on the tank’s size and the amount of oil inside. Some companies will include demolition in their quote, while others require you to hire a separate crew. Some companies will also charge you more if the tank does not contain oil. Another cost to remember is the amount of time it takes to remove the tank. If the tank is buried, there may be additional excavation costs. The removal price will be higher if the tank is in a basement. It may also take longer if there is a bulkhead or other obstruction.

It’s time to replace your oil tank

Taking proper care of your oil tank is essential for your family’s safety. If your tank begins to leak, you’ll need to have it replaced. In addition to causing environmental damage, leaks can also harm animals and wildlife. The average lifespan of an oil tank is 15 years. However, if you do not take care of it, you may need to replace it before that time. If your tank is over ten years old, consider replacing it. Some oil tanks may leak, even if they appear in good condition. They may not even be visible to the naked eye. In this case, it’s essential to contact an expert to inspect the tank. Oil tanks should be checked for signs of damage from time to time. If the tank is old, it may be more susceptible to wear. It may also be more challenging to operate.

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It’s leaking

Often, homeowners are only aware of the presence of an oil tank once it becomes an issue. In most cases, this happens when the homeowner is preparing to sell their home. Oil tanks are often buried and may not be easily detected. However, you can visually inspect the property to look for clues to an underground tank. It should be removed immediately if you see evidence of an oil tank. Oil tanks can cause significant damage to the environment, soil, and foliage in the area. If there is a leak, the contaminated soil can cause an environmental disaster. If you suspect an oil leak, you should immediately call a professional oil tank removal company. You should also check to see any leaks or cracks in the tank. These can occur in both underground and above-ground tanks. You can also look for rust or dents, which can indicate a problem with the tank.